Samsung yesterday launched its Galaxy Note 3 phablet with much fanfare for Rs 49,990. And today, Sony is set to launch its Xperia Z1. Though not told by Sony, Xperia Z1 is expected to be priced more than Rs 45,000. So here we take the opportunity to compare the phones.
Design & Display:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comes with a huge 5.7 inch Super AMOLED touchscreen which has full HD (1920x1080 pixels) resolution. On the other hand, the Sony Xperia Z1 has 5 inch display Full HD Triluminos display with X-Reality mobile picture engine with 1920x1080 pixels resolution.
Surprisingly, despite having a 5.7 inch display, the Note 3 weighs just 168 grams against 169 grams of Xperia Z1, partly due to its 8.3 mm thickness against 8.5 mm of the Sony smartphone.
But having said that one should also remember that the Sony Xperia Z1 is a water and dust proof smartphone which needs additional fortification of the internal hardware and thus Sony should be commended for offering such a tough handset for such a low weight and thickness.
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