Micromax, Karbonn, Spice, Xolo and several other Indian and Chinese brands have brought smartphones with quad core processor and bigger display in the Indian market. However bigger brands like Samsung, HTC, LG and Sony are still playing in Rs 25,000 above price band for the quad core segment. This is a big gap and has helped Indian brands gain sizeable foothold in the large smartphone space too, which is traditionally a domain of these biggies.
With Samsung Galaxy Win, Samsung has tried to change that. Galaxy Win which retails for Rs 17,999 comes with quad core processor. Most importantly, since it is a new phone, there are chances that Samsung may reduce its price in future which if happens will take the wind out of the sails of Indian and Chinese brands.
Samsung has attempted a similar thing with Galaxy Grand, a 5 inch device priced at Rs 20,990, and was successful, despite the fact that it was twice as costly as Micromax Canvas 2 A110 which offers similar features.
However, there is only Rs 3,500 difference between Micromax Canvas HD and the Samsung Galaxy Win. So in terms of price Samsung has played a master stroke, as in our opinion people are willing to pay much higher premium for a Samsung product.
But how does the two phone stack up in terms of specifications, here is a comparison.
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