Games are available in plenty on Android today, but after a point everything turns out either too difficult or too boring. But running games are perfect for playing all day long and by any member of the family, even toddlers.
Here are the most popular running games on Android that offer great fun and entertainment all the way long.
If anything can be popular across operating systems it is Temple Run. The second installment of Temple Run offers even more action.
The game revolves around an explorer named Guy Dangerous, who has stolen an ancient idol from an old temple and now he must run from the demonic monkeys to save his life. The player needs to tackle obstacles by jumping, sliding and running as fast as he can.
Temple Run involves four basic gestures made on the touchscreen - left swipe, right swipe, top swipe and bottom swipe. Also, the player can tilt the phone or tablet to make Guy run on the correct side.
The game does not have any finishing line and the character needs to run as long as he can. The coins collected on the way provide power-ups and other unlocks. The player can choose other characters by collecting coins while being chased by demonic monkeys.
The game as it progresses becomes more and more difficult and players must evolve with it to be able to take on advanced or longer distances.

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