Airtel today announced free incoming call for its pre-paid customers on national roaming for Rs 5 per day.
Existing or new Airtel pre-paid customers can activate this service by sending a SMS 'roam' to 121.
This development has come after around two weeks of Telecomm Regulatory Authority of India ruling out the plan of providing free roaming services to mobile phone users in India.
According to the ruling sent out by TRAI, the ceilings for roaming tariffs set in 2007 have been reduced from Rs 1.40 and Rs 2.40 to Rs 1 and 1.50 for local and national calls while roaming respectively. For incoming calls while roaming, ceiling has been reduced form Rs 1.00 to Rs 0.75 per minute. The outgoing SMS which earlier was being charged between Rs 3.50 and Rs 1.50 have now been priced flat at Rs 1.50 for STD SMS and Rs 1 for local SMS.
Interestingly, Aircel back in January this year had announced a new pack called 'One Nation, One Rate'. The plan offered one rate for voice, SMS and data in home circle and on roaming on Aircel network.
The 'One nation, one rate' plan offered 1 paisa per second for both STD and local calls in home circle as well as on roaming on Aircel network. Incoming calls while on roaming on Aircel network were made free.
SMS rate is Rs 1 per SMS for both STD and local. The Aircel plan has also same data rates for both home and roaming circles. In Delhi, the pack is priced at Rs 39, but its price will vary in other circles.

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