HTC has launched two new smartphones in the Indian market. The first is the HTC One E8, a variant of the flagship One M8, and the second the Desire 616, a mid-range smartphone.
The HTC One E8 is priced at ₹34,990 ($580) and the Desire 616 is priced at ₹16,900 ($280).
The HTC One E8 is a slightly trimmed down variant of the HTC One M8. The only major difference between the two phones is that the E8 trades the smooth aluminum body of the M8 for a polycarbonate shell. In return, however, it also gains a 13 megapixel camera (unlike the 4 megapixel Duo Camera on the M8) and dual-SIM functionality. The rest of the specifications are identical, including the Snapdragon 801 SoC, 1080p display and BoomSound speakers.
The Desire 616 is a budget offering and comes with a 5.0-inch, 1280x720 display. There's also 1GB RAM but only 4GB internal memory, augmented by a microSD card slot. The Desire 616 runs on a MediaTek MT6592 SoC, with octa-core 1.7GHz CPU and Mali-450 MP GPU. Finally, there is 8 megapixel camera on the back, 2 megapixel on the front, dual-SIM functionality (micro+mini SIM), 2000mAh battery and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
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