ARM has unveiled a new mobile processor - the Cortex-A17. It's the successor of the popular Cortex-A9 and offers 60% performance boost and supports big.LITTLE task switching. The latter will allow Cortex-A17 cores to be paired with other Cortex processors, such as the low-power Cortex-A7.
The new architecture can be used for up to quad-core CPUs on its own and OEMs can even add up to four Cortex-A7 cores for an octa-core chip. ARM designed this processor for various devices such as smartphones and tablets, smart TVs, set-top-boxes and even car systems and the company expects to see it embedded in various solutions in 2015.
ARM suggests the manufacturers to use its own Mali-T720 graphics with the Cortex-A17 processor, but this isn't a mandatory requirement so we may as well see it paired with Broadcomm and PowerVR GPUs.
If everything goes right, we'll start seeing Cortex-A17 powered devices in 2015.
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