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Monday 7 October 2013

Microsoft, HTC pondering a dual booting Android-Windows Phone device

Microsoft recently announced that it will acquire Nokia's Mobile Devices division, and surprised everyone: mobile industry folks and consumers. Meanwhile, the Windows Phone platform's hardware partners-HTC, Samsung and LG seemed to be a bit worried with Nokia's acquisition. Android Central posted that HTC and Microsoft are having premature talks about offering hybrid HTC devices with the capability to boot Android and Windows Phone mobile operating systems.

HTC may not have experienced huge success with its Windows Phone platform devices, but the company has not given up on it either. Apparently, HTC is considering the engineering cost of creating a hybrid device - either a dual booting smartphone in the lines of HTC One or an Android smartphone that can run Windows Phone as well. As of now, there is no clarity on this but HTC is considering the proposition.

Microsoft, HTC pondering a dual booting Android-Windows Phone device

As of now, Nokia offers a wider range of Windows Phone devices than HTC, and Microsoft aims to broaden its spectrum of hardware partners. With devices like HTC One doing extremely well in the market, Microsoft might be looking to bring an HTC One-like device running Windows Phone.

Microsoft and HTC are holding behind the doors secret talks and are yet to make anything formal.

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