Sony Mobile had unveiled its biggest Android smartphone till date, the Xperia Z Ultra last month. But the pricing for the device was kept under wraps, now Sony Hong Kong has made the Xperia Z Ultra available for pre-order at an astounding HK$ 6,198 or Rs 50,000 approximately. The device is likely to be made available in other Asian countries including India very soon.
The Sony Xperia Z has a slim profile that is waterproof as well. The device has a 6.4 inch display with full HD Triluminos technology based display that claims to provide better visuals. The phone is powered by latest 2.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor. Even with such large display and a powerful hardware the phone is just 6.5mm thick and weighs 212 grams. The construction of the phone uses aluminum chassis instead of a plastic one in Xperia Z for durability.
Xperia Z Ultra comes with Ingress Protection 55 and 58 certification that highlights its water and dust proof nature which even allow the device to shoot videos and images underwater. Its 8 megapixel camera at the back features "Exmor RS for mobile", HDR for both photos and film, and Superior Auto mode automatically activates HDR and noise reduction when needed.
Sony Xperia Z Ultra comes with handwriting recognition which is compatible with any pencil and selected stylus or pen (capacitive stylus or metal pen with tip diameter over 1mm).
The phone has connectivity options like NFC , LTE , Bluetooth 4.0, FM radio with RDS.
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