The Moto G launched with no LTE connectivity but a 4G model was launched later and now the Moto E might be following in its footsteps. A Brazilian retailer has a listing for the Moto E Dual 4G – that's right, not only is it 4G but it gets to keep its dual-SIM connectivity (on most entry-level phones it's an either-or question).
The Motorola Moto E already had a microSD slot, expandable the second change on the 4G flavor of the Moto G. The rest of the specs seem unchanged too, the 4.3" qHD screen, Snapdragon 200 chipset, 5MP camera with 480p video capture, 1,980mAh battery and so on.
This model also has Digital TV, like other Brazilian phones including the regular Moto E.
The Motorola Moto E Dual 4G is not available at the retailer (as it's not supposed to officially exist) and there's no price either. Motorola has an event scheduled for tomorrow and we're expecting the successors to the Moto X and the Moto G, after this leak we'll also be on the lookout for a Moto E update.
Thanks to Greg for sending this in!
Source (in Portuguese)
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