The Indian cell phone manufacturer Micromax doesn't immediately come to mind as a top player in the cell phone game, but it is sure putting forth an effort to keep its Android handsets up to date.
An internal document reveals that the number 2 Indian cell phone maker will upgrade 10 of its handsets to Kit Kat: the A250, A240, A210, A200, A116, A116, A116i, A111, A110Q, and A110. The leak doesn't indicate a timeframe for the updates, however.
Micromax is best known for its Canvas series of phones. The upcoming Canvas Turbo is being heavily promoted with the help of Hugh Jackman, which most of you probably know as the Wolverine. The Australian actor was named the company's brand ambassador back in October.
Celebrity endorsements aside, Micromax should expect a steady growth if it continues to produce quality handsets, with constant updates, at affordable prices.

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