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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Angry Birds Go set to arrive on Dec 11

Rovio Mobile has announced a new Angry Birds game, called Angry Birds Go, with go karting experience. The new Angry Birds Go is developed as free-to-play title with several modes and features.

The new Angry Birds Go will remind of you of several retro kart racing games such as Crash Nitro Kart and Mario Kart. Angry Birds Go will be compared and in a way follow similar line of gameplay with new twists and turns.

Angry Birds Go

Basically, the Angry Birds are supposed to race their karts till the finishing line and are allowed to use powers as well as other tricks during the race. Hasbro made TELEPODs can be used to bring in the favorite karts for getting an upper hand in the race.

The Angry Birds Go game will be released as free-to-play for the iOS , Android, Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 platform on 11 December.

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